Monday, February 4, 2013

Photos from the last post

Here are the photos I couldn't upload last time! 
The beautiful chickens (or chooks as they call them here!)

Playing in the blueberry field in the evening. 

This photo is specifically for Max and Franny. 

Our first loaf of bread! Not baked yet. 

Blueberry fields forever. 

Sunset over the cow/sheep field. 

Our home! (not the best angle, the pigs lived around the back. It was an old sheep shed that's been converted. We spent many an hour reading and eating in here!)

Evening sunshine. 

Eating blueberries on the job. 


French toast with banana and bacon at the strawbale cafe down the road. 

Pretty Wilma and her underbite. 

Crepe night with kumara (yam), chard from the garden, onion, and sausage from the farm cows! 

Heart-shaped red clover griddle cakes. Carolann had a local edible plants book so we made a few recipes from it. We added chives and flowers, and oregano flowers. 

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