Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Taste of the Real Fiji

Wild Pineapple! 

       Today I intended to go to the Sabeto Natural Hot Springs (read mud pool) but when I ran out to catch the bus (turns out it left at 1:45 rather than 2 as I thought) I realized I forgot my money so I ran back to get it but then the bus went by… No matter, I walked along the road intending to hitch a ride to the main road, and luckily the first truck to go by picks me us as I stuck my thumb out. Lucky the driver was American because apparently sticking your thumb out doesn’t mean anything. (People kinda wave their hand in a limp fish kinda way instead). Anyway, I told the guy that I wanted to go to the hot springs, but he said I should go to a beautiful waterfall that he is building a zip line trek around instead. So I said yes. We went out there and it was a short drive through sugar cane, a ramshackle village, across a bridge that he was building since the old one got washed out, and over a little river. People were washing their clothes and swimming in the river. It was a lovely walk through the jungle on a thin cement walkway, up some stairs, at the base of the sleeping giant mountain range. The land was an old banana and coffee plantation, so there are plants everywhere, and wild pineapples and grapefruit! We got to the waterfalls and the water was so clear and warm! The waterfall was strong because of all the rain they had, but I was still able to sit under it for a photo (and nearly drowned. Not really). There was also a smaller waterfall right next door to the big one that had 3 levels of pools. It was so pretty! And I saw a giant fruit bat! It was the biggest bat I’ve ever seen!!! We walked back and I went on a rope swing for a blurry photo. He gave me a ride right back to my hostel, turns out he's good friends with the owners. It was a very adventurous day and I got a taste of the real Fiji- for free!
Eating pawpaw...

Jungle vines

Mini waterfall. 

The big waterfall

Coolest vines ever! 


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