Saturday, January 3, 2015

List of Places to Stay, Do, and Eat in India

We've come across some really amazing places in India so far, and we want to remember them so we can recommend them to our friends! Here is the start of the list, we will add to it as our trip goes on...



-At Mani S.S.' house. We found him through trip air bnb. His place is not the closest to the airport, but he has a big bungalow in a pretty quiet neighbourhood. But the best part is Mani himself! He is so friendly and helpful, and a joy to talk to!



-Atithi Guest House. This place is such an oasis!! It's well priced, has very friendly staff, and has a yummy rooftop for hanging out and eating. There is also a computer you can use here. Rs 1100 for a double room with a private bathroom with hot water! This place saved us after staying at a horribly nasty hostel. Cannot recommend it enough!
-Hotel Arya Niwas. This place is definitely on the expensive side, but if you are looking to treat yourself for a night or two it's great. It was actually pretty noisy in the rooms we had, but the courtyard where you can eat DELICIOUS food is pretty worth it. Great staff for the most part too.


-Shopping in the Old City (Pink City). This is the place for gemstones and silver. And beautiful leather shoes!
-City Palace. Has a super cool weapons museum with intricately carved and decorated weapons. I didn't think I would like it but I did.
-Anokhi. This is a rich person clothing store for India, but way cheaper than anything you can get in Canada. Most clothes are organic, and I think the factory is very ethical and on an organic farm. We went around to the "cheaper" and "better" similar clothing stores nearby, but this one was the best by far.
-We bought semiprecious stones from Dolphin Gems at a trade show, but they also have a shop somewhere which we didn't go to. We bought lots of stones from another place called Deekawar Exports. They will also set your stones in silver for cheap.


-Parantha House. This was the first place we went and the Thalis were amaaaaazzzing!!!!



-Tourist Rest House. Anywhere else will be too expensive and make your life miserable. This is the only place who was nice and helpful to us really. Hotel Sheela Inn was weird. We thought Hotel Alpine would be nice because it was expensive. It was horrible and the staff were idiots who tried to charge us for towels and an extra blanket. The bell boy was an idiot too who did nothing for us but complained when we didn't give him enough tip. Tourist Rest House is a calm oasis, with a big tree in the courtyard, beautiful clean rooms, and so quiet. Amazing manager/owner. Soooo helpful.
-Pro Tip: Try not to stay a single night in Agra. Do a day trip from Delhi to see the Taj. The baby Taj and the Agra Fort are pretty cool, but that's about it.


-Sheroes Hangout. This place is kind of near the train station. It is a fundraiser for a charity that helps acid burn victims (all women). It's by donation. The food is awesome and the server was a bit overbearing and excited but her intentions were good. We spent a long time here using wifi and getting to know some of the women who were working there. It's a great place to support and we left with full hearts. There is much giggling, happiness, and even some dancing. if you need to lift your spirits during a train delay go here for sure!!
-Suriya Hotel (I think it was called) in an alley off the main road had the best view of the Taj, the best food, and a beautiful rooftop full of plants.
-Pro Tip: All the other food in Agra is not good. Maybe try not to eat at all while you are there if possible except for at Sheroes.


-See the Taj, but go early in the morning to beat the insane crowds! Before 10am would be ideal, hopefully the fog will have burned off by then if there was any. If you have to stay a night in Agra, skip the Taj completely. It's neat but not really worth the trouble in my opinion.
-If you need a tuk tuk, call Sabir at 098-97-624160. He was SO nice to us. Fair prices, insider info on refund train tickets and how we can get them. You can trust him. Associated with Tourist Rest House. All other drivers we had ripped us off or took us to shops where they would get commission. Only call Sabir, ever.



-Shiva Kashi Guest House. AMAZING manager. So helpful and friendly and a pleasure to be around. We got a double room with a shared bathroom, which saved us money. No hot water, but great location. So worth it.


Oh my goodness, eating is so fun in Varanasi. So many yummy places!! In no particular order...
-Blue Lassi. Really yummy lassis and you can watch funeral processions walk by right next to you, which is an experience.
-Baba Lassi. Definitely rivalling or exceeding Blue Lassi. So yummy and a friendly owner.
-Dosa Cafe. YUM! We are eating here every day now!! They invented chocolate idli and serves sweet dosas too, but his savoury are out of this world!
-Open Hand Cafe. Beyond the Assi Ghat is a Western Oasis. Apparently the coffee is awesome but we just got dirty chais. Food was nice too. They have a shop with fair trade clothes, textiles/housewares, jewelry etc. All the proceeds go to their charity.
-Brown Bread Bakery. Make sure you go to the authentic one on the rooftop about 5 flights up. A bit pricy, and the coffee wasn't good, but the food and bread is delicious! There is a fake one right across the street/alley.
-Shiva Cafe and German Bakery. We went here for breakfast and had great service and a nice breakfast. Darwyn didn't like it as much as I did but the potatoes, eggs, and croissant were yummy.
-The restaurant you can see into from sitting in Baba Lassi. Don't remember the name of this one, but it's cheap, has a friendly owner who used to have Jimi Hendrix hair, and has yummy food.

-Aum Cafe. Loved this place! Good coffee and all vegan food made with love. There was some kind of alleged scam that made this place get bumped off of recently, which would not tell the owner about. That was strange but we had an amazing eggless omelette here! Such good vibes!


-A boat ride on the Ganga. A 1 or 1.5 hour ride should cost Rs 100 per person.
-Learn to make macrame jewelry at a tiny shop that the Zindagi girls can take you to (see below). A super nice hangout spot if it's rainy or you need a break from navigating the streets and hecklers.
-Zindagi Creations/Association. A lovely, non-pushy jewelry store that promotes women empowerment and child education. Two young girls were working there when we went who were just so lovely and made the macrame stuff. They also have a lot of brass jewelry and some semiprecious stones. We loved it here! It is owned by a french lady.

Pro Tip: Don't let anyone take you into a shop, creepily massage your hand, sneakily lead you on a tour of the burning ghats, explain things to you, or do anything else for you that seems like it could be a favour from a stranger. They will probably ask for money. If you need directions, ask shopkeepers or people on the street who are not trying to help you, and don't linger long or let them lead you to a place. There are obviously exceptions to this rule and it sucks to not trust people, but you can avoid awkward situations this way if you are on your toes.

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