Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New Farm!

Hello everyone,

We made it to our new farm! It's a lovely place with cows, chickens, pigs, sheep, bees, 3 dogs, and lots of veggie gardens! We're loving it so far!! Theres solar hot water and a wind turbine and solar panels and a composting toilet!

The bad news is I got stung by a bee... and as you may or may not know that really sucks for me. My arm has swollen up huuuuge! Fortunately we are taking the day off because it's really rainy and I got some antihistamines. Hopefully I'll get better soon and I'll be back to weeding, planting, and making bamboo fences in no time!!

This place doesn't have internet, so my posts will be rather intermittent until February. I have to get into town on a weekly basis to email my school advisor, so hopefully I will be able to upload some photos of what we've been up to.

Let's hope this rain goes away... at least it's warmer than Vancouver at least!

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