Sunday, December 30, 2012

In the airport

Hello friends!

So I'm in the airport. It's 11:24 am, and my flight leaves at 1:25. All I have with me for entertainment are 3 books, a journal, a notebook, and a laptop. What's a girl to do for 2 (whole) more hours except write her first blog post (and pretend to read books for school)?? 

Let me just state the obvious: I am so excited! I have a little bit of the "colliewobbles," as gramma called them this morning. (I'm still not totally sure what that means....) Anyway, there is a planter with fake plastic ferns in it and it makes me look forward to giant fern trees in New Zealand! 

 A bit of bad news, my apple and banana were confiscated (aka I had to eat the banana real fast before check in and give the apple to my gma) because I can't take them into America. So unfortunately my vitamin levels are low and I'm highly susceptible to catching a cold on the plane. Wish me luck! 

Laura is meeting me in the Auckland airport upon my arrival. 

More updates ahead from Kiwi land!

(PS: I think if you click the "subscribe" link below this post you can get emails when I publish updates.)